Sunday, February 1, 2015

You're Gonna Miss This

As I reflected on this past year, watching home videos, looking through our collection of 2014 photos, I was reminded how much our family has grown and how truly, amazingly blessed I am to call myself Joe's wife and Ryan and Kate's mom. While I do try my best to live in the moment and maintain perspective under difficult circumstances, it is so easy to get wrapped up in the daily "To Do" lists and constant rushing to be somewhere. In the midst of running around, watching meltdowns, trying to stay's difficult to see that this will all pass too quickly. The frustrations of parenting a 6 and 4 year old will soon be memories of times we will greatly miss. I can see it as scroll through memories of 2014- what remains in a year of daily highs and lows of parenting are only the smiles, laughter and heart-filling joy of family.

In an attempt to slow down my life and maintain perspective, I’ve reflected on all the current challenges and frustrations Joe and I share as parents and created a list inspired by a similarly titled parenting article I recently read. 

“I’ll Miss”
…being asked to read the same book every night-“Can you read Tallulah again?”
…eating like a chipmunk- crumbs everywhere
…wanting to change clothes or shoes because she is wearing a dress or flip flops
…”I’m sorry about that.”
…”Can someone come with me? I’m too scared.”
…two fingers in her mouth
…waking up early to see a little face staring at me
…”Daddy (Mommy) look” as she moves our heads with her hands
…saying “Don’t smile!” when they are grumpy and watching them try to hold back their smiles
…”Mom, mom, mom” “Yes?” “…I love you”
…”I just wanted to give you another hug”, after being put to bed
…”That’s okay” when told she lost privileges
…”push me on the swing again”- over and over and over

This Fall marked a new chapter in my life as a mom- Ryan started Kindergarten and Kate started preschool. I anticipated having to leave work earlier than years past to make my way to pick them up. To my surprise, both kids asked me to stay at work longer so they could both play longer with their friends.  This was a monumental moment for me as a mom- simultaneously I felt like grieving for days past when they needed me so, rushing to get them as they greeted me with open arms…yet, at the same time, I felt immense pride and gratitude.  Joe and I have raised two independent, friendly, and compassionate children that we have the privilege of guiding and supporting, watching them grown into their own.

I have now come to the realization that I am no longer a mom with “little ones”- while my sentimental self is sadden that days with a baby on my hip, rocking a little one to bed and pushing a jogger stroller are in the past, I have found some benefits to parenting school agers…

I travel light- no more diaper bags filled to the top for a 1 hour excursion
I sleep until my alarm goes off- the kids start their morning routine independently
I get myself ready for the day- while my kids get themselves ready (mostly)
I don’t buy diapers- (those I do not miss)
Our weekend schedule is not ruled by nap schedules- spontaneity is freeing
Timeouts are very rare- routines established, kids are better able to communicate their frustrations
I can say “Get your coats, hats, boots and gloves on.” and they do.

I look forward to continuing to watch my children flourish, being there to support them when fall, encouraging them to stand back up and loving them unconditionally.  Cheers to a New Year- 2015- to being fully present in life because I know one day “[I’m] Gonna Miss This”

Highlights from 2014

 1st Lost Tooth

 Strawberry Picking
 Elsa and Michaelangelo
 March Maddness- Badger Rally
 Final Four Send Off
 Zoo Class

Packer Training Camp

Tonsils Out

Sunday, January 12, 2014

"When You Come Home"

My blog posts usually are inspired by music or meaningful phrase. This particular post was inspired by a song I was introduced to recently at the concert of christian artist Mark Schultz. Listening to his music in the car, Ryan started requesting his favorites which included the song "When You Come Home"- a song about the unconditional love between parents and their children. From getting hurt at recess to moving away from home, this song is a mother's reminder to her son that she will always be there. I want my children to know this in their hearts- their mom and dad love them more than words and will always be there "When They Come Home".

To my lovies, always know "Wherever You Are, My Love Will Find You" and
"When you come home,
no matter how far
run through the door and into my arms
It's where you are loved,
where you belong
and I will be here- when you come home"

Fall/Winter Highlights
*1st Badger Football Game with Daddy
*Started 4K at Willow- an all 4K school- it's the cutest!
*Is a reader- absorbing words all around, loves learning new sight words and read his first book "Car Goes Far"
*Initiated and led a chain making project at school- when Joe asked his teacher if he was suppose to bring home this 100+ linked chain, she enthusiastically said yes. In fact she and another teacher had to sneak it into his backpack so the other kids didn't know. She said it led this project for a week, recruiting classmates to help.
*Started his first writing project- after reading a National Geographic book called "The First Big Book of Why", he wanted to create his own book called "The Second Big Book of Why" where he would ask questions that he has like "Why did I get a cavity even though I brush my teeth twice a day?"
*Ryan's first parent teacher conference brought Joe and I to tears. His teacher praised how he uses his words in conflict, is friends with everybody, is a great helper and a smart guy. She added that when all the kids come into school they are suppose to hang all their stuff in their lockers and unpack their backpacks. She said that, everyday, he peeks into the room and says "Good morning Mrs. Schulz!" Love him! We are so proud of this little man.
*LOVES playing mom with her babies- Emmai and Nate (her two cousins' names) feeding them, rocking, patting them on the back, putting them in her room for naps with music and her ladybug light on- so sweet!
*she's a singer- she especially love Hey Diddle Diddle and the ABC's 
*Whenever Joe and I have to give her a consequence or say "That's too bad. I'll have to take this away" or "You didn't nap, so now you'll have to go to bed early." Her response is usually "That's okay". It drives the two of us crazy, but we laugh at the same time. 
*She's a scootin machine- she loved her scooter with 3 wheels now she scoots around the basement on her 2 wheel scooter like nobody's business. 
The same strong will and desire for independence this little girl has that drives us crazy now, we know are attributes we will admire in her as she grows into her own. She truly amazes us everyday with her sweetness, compassion, attention to detail, strong will and toughness.

Back To School

1st Badger Game
Packer Day at School

 Helping Mom

 Ring Bearer in NC for Tim and Maurissa's Wedding
Pumpkin Farm Fun
Happy Halloween

 Kate's Minnie Party
 Merry Christmas

Monday, September 2, 2013

Summer: PACKED

Heading back to school this week, I was given the task to come up with an acronym to describe my summer (It is the year of new acronyms in my district) With lack of creativity I came up with SOC- Summer of Celebrations-Ryan's 5th birthday celebrations- kid party, DisneyWorld , family party, our anniversary, my birthday, Joe's birthday...That night, Joe suggested I could have used the word PACKED to represent our super busy (packed) and fun summer and our summer highlight- our Trip to Disney (packed suitcases).  Here's what I would have shared with this acronym:

Active- swim, T-ball, dance

Car trips- (Lambeau and Madison)

K4 endings and new beginnings

Everything LEGO- Ryan's birthday theme


For Kate is was the summer of swimming and swinging- this kid loved swimming on her own with her life vest, jumping into the pool and going down the BIG, tunnel water slides. One woman had to bring her husband over to see her go down a slide because she was so amazed at Kate's fearlessness. She said "you must have a pool" Actually, this was her first time in a life vest- maybe I need to get this girl into more swimming activities! She was also swinging fool! We spent so many hours at our neighborhood and other parks this summer. I think Kate could have sat in the swing all day!

*It has been such a blessing to watch Kate blossom this summer- Joe and I are amazed how she has really come into her own. She is a combination of sass and sweet. Such an independent ("I do it myself), loving Her verbal communication has grown immensely. Joe calls her a chatter box when they go on their morning runs with Kate in the jogger. In Disney, we had the opportunity to spend time with Kate, while Ryan had birthday fun with Grandma and Grandpa. We were both in awe of her confidence, sweetness and communication skills that we do not get to see fully with our attention divided as parents with multiple children. We made a promise to make more time to spend with each kid individually. 

For Ryan it was the summer of reading and wheeling- while Ryan has always loved books, this summer we entered the world of short novels and chapter books. Since I had a list of books to read for school this summer, I thought I might as well enjoy them with Ryan. We started with Gooseberry Park- I read a couple chapters and I asked him if he would like me to keep reading- after EVERY chapter he said yes. An hour and 15 minutes later, we had finished the entire book. It was absolutely amazing. We continued this summer reading Charlotte's Web and the we started the Magic Tree House series. I am loving seeing his love for reading grow! In addition to reading, he was also on the move! He scoots around like a pro and now bikes everywhere. He shocked Joe and I in early June when pedaled away after 1 "non training wheels!" lesson- he took off pedaling on two wheels and has never looked back- it still amazes me. I thought it would be a summer project, but 20 minutes...boom..he's a bike rider!
Recent quote: After talking about Uncle Tom putting the swing set together: "Mom I think I want to be a carpenter and then I'll do America Ninja Warrior at night." His summer hobby has been training to be an American Ninja Warrior- so cute!

As his world grows bigger, the more I realize how truly precious time is. Right now he is mostly just ours-
ours on Friday nights,
ours on weekends,
ours to snuggle with,
ours to read to,
ours to take with us anywhere and everywhere,
ours to tell stories to,
ours to watch grow and play,
ours to always remind us how much he loves us!
Soon some of "our" time will gradually be replaced with friend time, sleepovers, sports practices, school activities...
I know he will always be "ours", but I also know "It won't be like this for long".
While I'm not ready to share him, I know that if I could keep him forever, I would be withholding from the world a leader, a kind heart, an independent thinker, a positive amazingly compassionate, creative, energetic, loving soul...a little boy who I am SO very proud to call my son. So as our relationship grows and changes, I will cherish the memories we have made and cherish the now, making new memories to hold - so when the time comes to gift him to the world, he will always know that he is and will always be OUR pride and joy.  

Other Summer Highlights:
Cave of Stars

New Lawn!

Kansasville Fire Department Pancake Breakfast

Trip to Madison

State Fair

Fun at the Pool

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Goodbye Winter (I hope!)

Our family had a busy winter- packing, moving, unpacking a little, packing back up the little we unpacked, moving and unpacking- was a lot of moving. But I am so happy to say that we are settled in our new home and loving every minute we spend in it together. Here are some winter highlights:

 Cousin Nate was born in March-
Our other cousin Emmai was born in February
 Seeing the Easter Bunny (mom and dad are a little worried about Kate in DisneyWorld this summer)
 Loving the snow (back in January:)
 Dying Easter Eggs
 Valentine's Heart Pizzas
 Moving in
 Making Chocolate Bunnies
 Fun with Shaving Cream (good thing Daddy wasn't home- it was a mess!)

 Fun at our new neighboorhood park!

Extra highlights:
Ryan had an indoor soccer clinic and basketball class
The kids LOVE watching the train by our house : "Goodbye train, have a nice day" everytime
Ryan officially was passed the torch at Easter from cousin Ashley- he now gets to lead the prayer:)
Kate is talking up a storm now: she mumbles the prayer with Ryan, insists on certain clothes, like PJ's and shoes "Wear my crocs". 
She puts on her own jacket- "I do Momma!"

We have two beautiful, energetic,  ever growing kids. I am trying to ground myself in the now as I can now see for myself how time truly flies. Until Ryan turned 4 1/2 on Valentine's Day, I had embraced every milestone Ryan had reached with pride and angst to see what is around the next bend.  However, 4 1/2 hit me hard, making me realize that he is growing up so baby will be 5 this summer! As Joe and I now realize our children are closer to entering high school than we are leaving it, we realize as our kids have grown in an instant, so have we. Love this caption from Pinterest:
While Joe and I feel like we just met (almost 14 years ago), feel like we were just at Madison, feel like we just got married and bought our first home, feel like we just had our first baby...we realize that we are beyond those years/stages in life and agree that we woudln't trade anything for the world. The wisdom gained with experience, the comfort in our careers, the confidence in our decisions, the family we built, the growth as a parent (really as a human being), the memories created along the way...while older in age than we sometimes feel, we are so happy with where we are (maybe we could just stay here a little longer!).